A few months ago, back in August, I blogged about 4 simple and personal goals for the remaining months of 2010. Inspired by Elsie Flannigan (www.abeautifulmess.typepad.com) who did the same and invited her readers to join her in this 'challenge'.
I was enthousiastic and set 4 personal yet simple goals for myself. On the last day of 2010 I'd like to tell you how it went.

The fourth goal, to start with, was 'keeping in shape', since in summer I had -undeliberately- lost some weight. I joined in August the local sportscenter and I go there at least once, but most of time twice a week for an intensive workout. I join zumba-classes. And hey, I like it a lot, that's the most important.
So, goal 4 is accomplished.
Goal 3 was 'find a way to keep a daily diary'.
Somehow a bit inspired by the project 365 (with the daily pictures), I pick a picture everyday from my phone and write one or more lines with it. I also publish them at my other blog (www.everydailydiary.blogspot.com), and sometimes also over here. I intend to continue this, of course.
So, goal 3 also accomplished.
Goal 2 was 'start writing that book'.
Well, actually I started writing. But the end is not nearby. Luckily that was not the goal ...

But the biggest challenge for the future is to continue writing!
Goal 2 is partially accomplished, that's how I feel about it.

Goal 1 was 'continue to chochet and may be even start an Etsy-store'.
The last is almost realised. I have made some items, I 'just' have to take the step to list them ...
But hey, I crocheted a lot! Experimented with patterns, designs and different yarns. And I finished quite some projects:
• the ripple blanket for the little fair-haired princess
• the log cabin blanket for the lady with the violin
• a granny baby blanket for my friends' baby T, born in April
• the Dutch Seaside blanket, made for a friend to donate in Nepal
• the Babette blanket, given to my Love
• the mystery afghan
• the granny heather blanket
• several squares for SIBOL
• a colorful bag for myself
• a blue-white-purple bag for my mother in law
• several bags for my Etsy-store
• scarfs for myself and my daughters
And I started several projects:
• the soft coloured 64-square rainbow blanket
• the roses & daisies throw
• a rippled baby blanket
• african flowers
• sunburst grannies
• hexagons
And I am planning for my new dream: la Manta de Andalucia ...
So, how about me accomplishing this goal?

Thanks for visiting, tot de volgende keer !!! XXX