woensdag 9 juni 2010

4 !!!

Onze kleine blonde prinses is eindelijk 4 geworden!
En we hebben het uitgebreid gevierd met haar.

Op zaterdag kwam er bezoek met cadeautjes. Er was taart en natuurlijk moesten er 4 kaarsjes uitgeblazen worden.
Op zondag zijn we met z'n viertjes naar Kabouterland in Exloo gegaan. Kabouters, kleine dieren (wasbeertjes, uilen, wallabies, diverse soorten vogels), verschillende speelplekken. Erg leuk en gezellig.

En op maandag was dan de grote dag! Niet alleen jarig, maar ook de eerste echte schooldag. Ze wilde zelfs haar nieuwe klasgenootjes trakteren, weer op soesjes. Stoer van haar he?

En al kreeg ze van ons 's morgens en tussen de middag wat kleine cadeautjes, na schooltijd hebben we haar pas echt verwend! Je wordt maar 1 keer 4!

Our little fair-haired princess finally turned 4 years young!
And of course we celebrated that with her. It was an extended birthday this year.

On saturday we had visitors with lots of presents of course. We had cake and our little girl had to blow out four candles.

On sunday we went with the four of us to the land of gnomes (Kabouterland) in Exloo. Gnomes, little animals (like raccoons, owls, wallabies and different kinds of birds) and several playgrounds. We had a lot of fun over there!

Monday was the big day. It was not only her birthday, she also went to school for real today. And she even wanted to treat her newclassmates, profiteroles again. Such a brave and sturdy little girl !!

We gave her a few little presents in the morning and at lunch, but after school we really pampered her with almost everything she wished for. You only turn 4 once in your life!

Thanks for visiting, tot de volgende keer !!! XXX

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Oooohhh wat leuk!
    Nog van harte gefeliciteerd!

  2. Isolde,
    Your daughter is beautiful. I do hope she enjoyed herself. I'm sure she did, it looks as though you made a good day for her.
    Hope you don't mind me saying. But have you thought of putting a Google translator on your blog, Then you wouldnt have to translate?
    Its just an idea. I find it so useful. I'm sure others would.,
    Love to you. I will read your previous posts now. Terribly sorry I haven't been over, I've been trying to get these blankets finished. I'm so pleased you enjoyed looking at them!
    Hugs Suex

  3. Isolde thanks for the comments on my blog. I'm sorry I am late popping over to you. Been stuck under Blankets!
    Hugs to you.
    Suex Look forward to your SIBOL Squares!
